

Owner / Coach

Snatch: 135#

Grace: 2:28

Nancy: 12:58

Murph 45:05 with Body Armor

Half Marathon: 1:40

CrossFit competition podium finishes


Doctor of Physical Therapy


USAW Level 1

Dry Needling Practitioner

Functional Movement Certified FMS

About Coach

I have been doing CrossFit since 2013 and the moment I picked up a barbell, that was it for me. I felt like I finally found my place and my people. CrossFit has truly changed my life, my relationship with food, my body, and my mental resilience in everyday life. It has provided a platform for immense growth and given me an outlet to deal with my anxiety and past trauma.

Turning Point

Motivation & Passion

It is truly magical the transformations that take place within the four walls of a CrossFit gym and I attribute that, more than anything, to the community. My hope is that I can give just a little piece of that to every athlete I coach.

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